You Can Expect Even Better Service from the Kelly Fischer Team

Looking to buy or sell a home in Vero Beach, Florida? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home,click here for a FREE Home Price  Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (772) 321-6905 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.

Expect Even Better Service from the Kelly Fischer Team


Today I am at the Radio and Television Expert's Conference in Dallas. I am here to build relationships, exchange marketing techniques, and develop strategies to improve the satisfaction of my clients on the Treasure Coast of Florida.

It's an honor to be here, because most of the #1 agents from large, franchise companies across the nation are also in attendance. We have been learning and sharing the most exciting and lucrative innovations in the real estate industry.

I will be returning this weekend to implement these plans and effectively serve you, my clients on the Treasure Coast and Vero Beach. If you're looking to buy or sell this summer, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for tuning in!

Our Team Believes in Delivering Excellence

Looking to buy or sell a home in Vero Beach, Florida? Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home,click here for a FREE Home Price  Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market. You may also call us at (772) 321-6905 for a FREE home buying or selling consultation to answer any of your real estate questions.

 P.R.I.D.E. at the Kelly Fischer Team


Today I had an interesting discussion with my business coach about P.R.I.D.E. It's an acronym that stands for Personal Responsibility in Delivering Excellence.

I really hadn't thought about this concept until a few weeks ago when I was on a listing with a seller in Vero Beach who had been trying to sell his home for about 6 months with one of our competing brokers. This seller felt a little disillusioned and felt as if the broker had not done everything possible to try and sell his home and market it to the most amount of buyers possible.

Interestingly enough, this seller decided to interview every single agent who called him about the property so he could better understand which agent would work the best for him. I'm happy to say that after conducting 22 interviews with many agents, this seller decided to hire the Kelly Fischer Team.

We are very grateful for this because we do take P.R.I.D.E. in putting the satisfaction of our clients at the forefront of our business. One thing that I don't like to do is to take a listing just for the sake of taking a listing. I spend a lot of time with clients and I want to understand what we're selling so that we can target the right message to the right buyer. We like to showcase our properties, not just put them on the market and pray that they sell. We highlight the nice features to entice buyers into paying a little extra for a nice home.

I would like to mention that this seller hired us after his property had been on the market for 6 months, and we had it listed for only 1 month before getting an offer. We are now closing in a couple of weeks and the seller is thrilled.

So, if you're in the Treasure Coast, Indian River County, Vero Beach, or Sebastian, please do not hesitate to contact to contact me or my team. We would be more than willing to sit down and discuss your needs so that we can sell and market your home appropriately.

Thanks for tuning in!