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This morning I had an inspiration in the form of a giant pile of chocolate chip cookies that my son made last night for a volunteer project we’re doing. Rather than getting into those cookies, I decided to get out to one of Vero Beach’s finest features - the Barber Bridge. It’s a really cool bridge spanning the Indian River.
I wanted to shoot my video from here, because one of the things I’ve learned over the years mentoring and coaching and training with some really amazing people, is that people who achieve a lot in life are the people who are willing to do the things that others are not willing to do.
People who achieve a lot are willing to do things others aren’t.
Like today, being out on the Barber Bridge this early before it gets congested with the late morning exercise crowd lets you get a really great view of lots of things around Vero that other people don’t see. It’s the view at the top, and not everybody gets to see it. It’s the same thing with our business. People constantly ask why we’re successful and how we’re able to sell so many homes. Like getting up at 4:30 a.m. for the best walking view on the bridge, we’re doing the things that other people in the business aren’t willing to do.
In turn, it gives us the view from the top. And the view is great.